I know I've not posted anything in a while. I will catch up and start posting on a more regular basis soon. The last three weeks have been jamm packed with language and technical courses. When I'm not in class, I'm studying. Ok...I've had a few hours of R&R...but not many!!
Today (Monday) was our last language test and our last class
Tuesday - We start packing all the rest of our things
Wednesday - We finish packing and leave our host families and Tesvie for Lome
Thursday - We will be shopping for things for our new homes on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Thursday night we will be sworn in as official Peace Corps Volunteers
Friday - We leave for our new homes (posts) Tchekpo!!
I had a dress made for the swearing in. We all did. It's an all-out African "Complait"! Oh-la-la!!! We have each prepared a short speech in the local language...mmmmhmmmm. The swearing in is always televised, and they tell us that our local villages will be gathered around a TV set somewhere watching. I don't know how that will happen in my village since it doesn't have electricity???
I'm excited, and so happy I am at the end of training. It will take me a while to get settled in, but I'll start posting soon..... STAY TUNED!!!
Love to all!
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